Mindful Families Header Image

If the day ever came when we were able to accept ourselves and our children exactly as we are and they are, then, I believe we would have come to an understanding of what "good parenting" means.

Fred Rogers

Practices for Families

Some ideas to get started...

  • taking the whole family for a 'mindful walk," where you awaken all of your senses and be open to whatever there is to experience and discover...
  • painting part of a wall in your home with chalkboard paint and then creating a weekly gratitude mural
  • taking a few minutes, either at the start or end of your day to come together and sit in stillness (or even just sit together without any distractions such as the television, phones, computers, etc.)
  • setting up a quiet place in your home, with images and objects that support stillness
  • sending wishes of kindness to people you care about before an evening meal
  • having an evening meal together (without any technology)
  • being silly together!

Nurturing connection, one breath at a time...